Club Constitution

1. The object of the Club shall be to promote the sport of aeromodelling and provide facilities for its members.

2. The club shall consist of a membership fixed by a Committee of 9 members. The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Helicopter Representative, Safety Officer, Training co-ordinator and a Junior Representatives. The Club shall consist of a membership fixed by the Committee and shall all be members of the British Model Flying Association.

3. At the Annual General Meeting members of the Committee shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election. Any two members may propose any other candidate or candidates at the time of election. The candidates up to the number of vacancies who shall receive most votes shall be declared elected, and in the face of more than two candidates receiving an equal number of votes the candidates with the lowest votes shall withdraw and a re-vote held for the two remaining. In the event of two candidates only receiving the same number of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

4. In the event of an existing post becoming vacant on the current Committee, the Committee shall have powers to invite any member of the Club to fill such vacancy.

5. An annual subscription shall be payable by each member and shall be due and payable on or before the last day of December. A subscription shall be recommended by the Committee and the subscription shall be approved by the members at the AGM.

6. All club members from the preceding year shall be given priority to renew their membership during December. New members will be accepted after the 1st. January.

7. Every new candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by an existing member and shall be accepted at the discretion of the Committee.

8. The Committee shall have power to expel any member who offends against the club rules or whose conduct is, in their opinion, unfit for membership of the Club. In this case the offending member shall be given 7 days written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee to inform the person of the complaint made against them. No person shall be expelled without having the opportunity of answering the complaint made against him to the Committee. No person shall be expelled without the majority vote of the Committee to do so.

9. Any member of the club shall have the power to propose a change to this constitution at the AGM or a General Meeting convened for that purpose.

10. A General Meeting shall be held in every year not later than 30th. October to transact the following business as a minimum: –
a) To receive and, if approved, adopt a statement of the club’ s accounts for the current year
b) To appoint the Officers and, if approved, sanction any alteration to the Constitution
c) To appoint the Officers and any other members of the Committee
d) To deal with any special matter which the Committee wishes to bring before the meeting and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration.

11. A special general meeting may be convened with 21 days notice either by the Committee or by the members on receipt by the Secretary of a requisition in writing signed by not less than one third of the membership specifying the object of the meeting which will be adopted as the agenda of the meeting, The meeting may be called for any of the following reasons: –
a) To consider and, if approved, adopt any duly made alteration to the constitution.
b) To deal with any special matter which the Committee may desire to place before the membership
c) To receive the resignation of the Committee or to remove any member or officer from their post and to fill any vacancy or vacancies caused by this action.
d) To deal with any special matter which the members requiring the meeting may place before the Club.

12. At Committee meetings and General meetings a Chairman shall preside, he shall have a casting vote in the event of an equal count of votes. At Committee meetings four shall form a quorum, at General meetings one third of the membership shall form a quorum.

13. No member of the Beelsby R/C Model Flying Club shall negotiate with any organisation on any matter relating to the offer of our club facilities without obtaining a clear mandate in the form of a simple majority vote after due discussion at a General meeting of the Club.